Date Published: Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Date Updated: Friday, June 30, 2023
New eHealth Program Connects HealthAlliance Hospital: Broadway Campus with Westchester Medical Center Health Network Telemedicine Hub

KINGSTON, N.Y. (January 31, 2017) -- State-of-the-art telemedicine
technology linking HealthAlliance Hospital: Broadway Campus, a member of
the Westchester Medical Center Health Network (WMCHealth), with the
specialized WMCHealth telehealth operations center is now operational,
further fulfilling WMCHealth's commitment to bring the highest level of
care to all patients in New York's Hudson Valley.
secure, high-definition eHealth Program offers HealthAlliance patients
personalized care from advanced WMCHealth specialists without having to
travel to visit them. The specialists complement -- and do not replace
-- the dedicated healthcare teams at HealthAlliance Hospital: Broadway
Campus in Kingston.
WMCHealth's eHealth program now in use at the
Broadway Campus is stroke telemedicine, also called telestroke.
Telestroke is to be followed in the coming weeks by telepsychiatry,
teletrauma and teleICU services, or eHealth services at intensive care
units. Telepsychiatry will be available at the Broadway Campus, at
HealthAlliance Hospital: Mary's Avenue Campus, a member of WMCHealth,
and at Margaretville Hospital in Margaretville, N.Y., a member of
WMCHealth. Teletrauma will be used in the Emergency Departments of the
Broadway Campus and Margaretville Hospital. TeleICU will be at Broadway
and Mary's Avenue.
The new programs connect all HealthAlliance
hospitals with WMCHealth's 5,500-square-foot eHealth operations center,
staffed by a wide array of medical specialists who use 20 multimedia
stations to monitor patients in real time. The eHealth operations center
is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
"With WMCHealth's
eHealth program, clinical specialists in the operations center can
evaluate patients, share information and discuss patient issues with us
in Kingston as if they were here," said Paul Llobet, MD, Chief Medical
Officer, HealthAlliance of the Hudson Valley. "The videoconferencing
capabilities enable split-second medical decisions that save lives."
eHealth's teleICU program, for instance, doctors and nurses trained in
critical-care medicine will use sophisticated equipment at the eHealth
operations center to monitor vital signs around the clock and
collaborate with HealthAlliance bedside teams.
Vital signs,
medications, blood test results, X-rays and other pertinent information
from bedside monitors will be sent to the eHealth control center through
secure, high-speed data lines. This information will appear on the
control center's monitors exactly as it appears to bedside care teams at
the Broadway Campus.
Critical-care specialists watching monitors
that continually collect data will support HealthAlliance clinicians in
spotting signs of imminent trouble. If a HealthAlliance patient needs
attention, physicians at the eHealth center can zoom in via two-way
camera -- close enough to read the tiny print on an IV bag or to examine
a patient's pupils. The eHealth team can also consult directly with
bedside doctors, nurses, family members and patients.
telehealth in ICUs decreases mortality 20 percent and reduces the
length of hospital stays 26 percent, a study published in the Journal of
the American Medical Association found.
To protect patient
privacy, the cameras are off and turned away from patients when
HealthAlliance and the eHealth center are not communicating.
WMCHealth's eHealth program was recently used by WMCHealth doctors to
evaluate conjoined 11-month-old twin girls in the Dominican Republic.
The girls later flew with their parents to Maria Fareri Children's
Hospital, a member of WMCHealth, for a successful 21-hour surgical
separation two weeks ago.
"As the Hudson Valley region's advanced
care network, WMCHealth is committed to providing the highest level of
care as close to home as possible," said Michael Israel, President and
CEO, Westchester Medical Center Health Network. "Expanding telemedicine
to Ulster County and the surrounding areas is another example of our
commitment to benefiting patients throughout our home region as we
advance care here in the Hudson Valley."
"Telehealth is a proven
advance in medicine that leads to better patient outcomes," said Corey
Scurlock, MD, Medical Director, WMCHealth eHealth Center. "Our eHealth
program has been deployed on WMCHealth's Valhalla campus and at our
network affiliate MidHudson Regional Hospital with great success, and we
expect the same at HealthAlliance Hospital's Broadway and Mary's Avenue
Campuses and at Margaretville Hospital. Telemedicine brings additional,
qualified medical professionals into the patient-care process and we
are thrilled to offer this service to local residents."